Formation & evolution

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Matthew BattleyTracing Exoplanets Through Time with TESS03-04-2021Planet Detection, Formation & evolutionTESS; Kepler; evolution; young stars; young exoplanets; detrending; UKEXOM2021
Philippa LigginsProbing mantle redox with planetary atmospheres02-04-2021Formation & evolution, Planet interiors, Atmospheric characterizationvolcanic; atmosphere; mantle; evolution; UKEXOM2021
Adrian BarkerTidal dissipation in stars with predictions for planetary orbital decay31-03-2021Formation & evolution, System architectures and dynamicsUKEXOM2021; Tidal interactions; Tidal dissipation; Hot Jupiters; tides; short-period planets;
Joe RenaudTidal Dissipation in Dual-Body, Highly Eccentric, and Non-synchronously Rotating Systems15-03-2021Planet interiors, Formation & evolutiontidal dynamics; geophysics; orbital dynamics; exoplanets; pluto; tides; rheology; spin dynamics
Aaron SchneiderChemical composition of exoplanetary atmospheres due to pebble and planetesimal accretion22-02-2021Formation & evolutionPebbles;Planetesimals;Exoplanets3
Julia VenturiniThe nature of the Radius Valley: insights from combined formation and evolution models05-02-2021Planet interiors, Formation & evolution, Atmospheric characterizationPlanet formation and evolution, super-Earths, sub-Neptunes, radius valley, water
Anne-Lise MaireDavid M. Hernandez: An ephemeris integrator capable of probing fundamental physics from inside our Solar System27-01-2021System architectures and dynamics, Formation & evolutionDynamics; N body; ExoDyn2021
Tim LichtenbergVertically resolved magma ocean–protoatmosphere evolution: H2, H2O, CO2, CH4, CO, O2, and N2 as primary absorbers26-01-2021Formation & evolution, Planet interiors, Future missions & Observatories, Atmospheric theory, Habitability & Biosignaturesplanet formation; magma ocean; atmospheres; direct imaging; planetary interiors
Tim LichtenbergBifurcation of planetary building blocks during Solar System formation20-01-2021Formation & evolution, Planet interiors, System architectures and dynamicsplanet formation; solar system; accretion; planetesimals; volatile delivery; core formation; meteorites; protoplanets; magma oceans; planetary composition
Masahiro OgiharaUnified simulations of formation and atmospheric evolution15-01-2021System architectures and dynamics, Planet interiors, Atmospheric theory, Atmospheric characterization, Formation & evolutionEXO3; formation; evolution;
Andrew VanderburgAn Overview of Transiting Planets12-01-2021Host star characterization, Instrumentation & Observational techniques, Atmospheric characterization, Formation & evolution, System architectures and dynamics, Habitability & Biosignatures, Future missions & Observatories, Planet Detectiontransits
Andrew VanderburgA Giant Planet Candidate Transiting a White Dwarf12-01-2021Planet Detection, Habitability & Biosignatures, System architectures and dynamics, Formation & evolutionwhite dwarf; transit; WD1856+534; WD1856
Andrew VanderburgA Song of Ice and Fire: the Fate of Planetary Systems After Stellar Death12-01-2021System architectures and dynamics, Formation & evolution, Planet Detection, Habitability & Biosignatureswhite dwarf; transits; transit; WD1856; WD1856+534; WD1145; WD1145+017
Gabriel-Dominique MarleauH alpha emission and warm-start planets predicted from accretion shocks11-01-2021Formation & evolution, Planet DetectionExoplanet formation; Accretion shocks; Hydrogen lines [H I line emission]; H alpha photometry; Direct imaging; High resolution spectroscopy
Richard TeagueObserving the Dynamics of Planet-Disk Interactions08-01-2021Formation & evolution, Planet Detectionplanet formation; planet detection; protoplanetary disk; sub-mm
ExoplanetsIII HeidelbergRichard Teague: Kinematical Detection and Characterizing of Protoplanets with ALMA07-01-2021Formation & evolutionEXO3; Formation; Evolution
Felix MackebrandtThe EXOTIME Project03-01-2021Planet Detection, Formation & evolutionstars: horizontal-branch; planets and satellites: detection; subdwarfs; asteroseismology; techniques: photometric
Akash GuptaUnderstanding the Radius Valley as a by-product of Planet Formation: Observational Signatures of the Core-Powered Mass-Loss Mechanism22-12-2020Formation & evolution, Atmospheric theory, Planet interiorsAtmospheric escape; Super-Earths; Sub-Neptunes; Radius valley; Radius gap; Planet evolution; Atmospheres; Planet-star interactions; Core-powered mass-loss; Exoplanets 3
Gabriele CugnoUnveiling the nature of the protoplanet PDS70 b21-12-2020Atmospheric characterization, Formation & evolutionFormation and evolution; Direct imaging; Molecular mapping; Medium-resolution Spectroscopy
Joanna DrazkowskaHow dust fragmentation may be beneficial to planetary growth21-12-2020Formation & evolutionplanet formation; protoplanetary disk; pebble accretion; dust coagulation;
Thaddeus KomacekRe-inflation of warm and hot Jupiters21-12-2020Planet interiors, Formation & evolutionhot Jupiters; warm Jupiters; radius inflation; interior evolution
Sebastian MarinoRadial structure of exoKuiper belts: revealing Neptune analogues21-12-2020Formation & evolution, Planet Detection, System architectures and dynamicsdebris disc disk gap planetesimals neptune radial structure substructure exocomets planet
Travis BergerA Fresh Look at the Radius Gap Using Gaia Derived Ages and Masses for All Kepler Exoplanet Hosts21-12-2020Host star characterization, Formation & evolution, System architectures and dynamicssuper-Earths; sub-Neptunes; gaia; kepler; stellar mass; stellar age; physical parameters; radius gap; radius valley; core-powered mass-loss; photoevaporation
Gijs MuldersHow the "peas in a pod" pattern arises during the formation of compact planetary systems21-12-2020System architectures and dynamics, Formation & evolutionexoplanets; planetary systems; planet formation; kepler; genesis database; numerical models; N-body; transiting planets; planet populations; planetary system architectures; giant impacts; planet migration; Earths in Other Solar Systems; NASA NExSS;
Alexander BohnRevealing planets, disks, and brown dwarfs around young, solar analogs20-12-2020Planet Detection, Formation & evolution, System architectures and dynamics, Instrumentation & Observational techniquesPlanet detection; high-contrast imaging; planet formation; stars: solar mass; stars individual: TYC 8998-760-1, Wray 15-788
Ryan CloutierEvolution of the Radius Valley from Sun-like to Low Mass Stars (Exoplanets III; July 28, 2020)17-12-2020Formation & evolution, System architectures and dynamicssuper-earths; sub-neptunes; m-dwarfs; low mass stars; planet formation; radius valley
Admin TeamWelcome and Instruction Video17-12-2020Atmospheric theory, Host star characterization, Education and Outreach, System architectures and dynamics, Future missions & Observatories, Habitability & Biosignatures, Planet interiors, Planet Detection, Atmospheric characterization, Instrumentation & Observational techniques, Formation & evolutionWelcome; Instruction;; Aurora; Kesseli
Aline VidottoEffects of the winds of host stars on the escaping atmospheres of close-in exoplanets16-12-2020Host star characterization, Formation & evolution, Atmospheric theoryatmospheric escape, stellar winds, AU Mic
ExoplanetsIII HeidelbergRavid Helled: Formation, evolution, and structure of giant planets14-12-2020Formation & evolutionEXO3; gas giants; evolution
ExoplanetsIII HeidelbergChristoph Mordasini: A new generation of planetary population synthesis: Confronting theory with observations of distinct planetary populations14-12-2020Formation & evolutionEXO3; formation