Trifon Trifonov: Transit and Radial velocity Interactive Fitting tool for Orbital analysis and N-body simulations - The Exo-Striker

Laetitia Delrez - University of LiegeJan 25, 2021
System architectures and dynamics
Host star characterization
data analysis tool
radial velocities
Contributed talk at the virtual workshop Exoplanets Orbits & Dynamics hosted by University of Liege on Jan. 19-22, 2021. Workshop website: I present a new very powerful, free, and fast GUI exoplanet toolbox called "Exo-Striker". The tool analyzes exoplanet orbitals, performs N-body simulations, and models the RV stellar reflex motion ...
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Mohammad EftekharMar 1, 2021
That was amazing! could you please tell me, Exo-Striker has the ability to model the phase curve? Thank YouReply